Sunday, February 27, 2011

The end of the world as we know it!

Let me explain. My daughter grew up in the country consistently insisting she would never live on a farm. When she was a teenager, she would rather stay in and clean house- including toilets than do any of the outside work. She was adamant that she would live in town in a condo. Then she moved back to the farm in the house next door and got married.  Still she didn't want to farm. Not even garden.

For Christmas we gave Lydia and Travis two Red Wattle Hogs. For the 11th of February, the gilt, Lucy,  gave Lydia and Travis nine adorable piglets. I caught Lydia petting Lucy over the fence the other day.

Then I got a strange phone call. "Mom can you order me this homesteading book I've been looking for." I shook my head and looked at the face of my cell phone. Yep, it said it was Lydia on the line. It sounded like Lydia.

"What did you say?" I asked. I admit I made her repeat it several times just to hear her say it.
Of course I ordered the book right away. I also called my son and told him about it right away. His reaction: "It's the end of the world as we know it!! Lydia's converted!! " He followed that with "What books should I send her? I'll hatch some replacement chicks for her from the Buckeyes."

Since that conversation, Lydia has read The Eater's Manifesto, Animal Vegetable Miracle, purchased her own Carhaarts and barn boots, planned her garden and counted all the canning jars she's inherited.  She's asked me to help her garden this year while she gets the hang of it. She's picked through my how to and homesteading library and carried off more than one armload of books.

I was out at her house last week when Lydia plunked herself into a chair and announce, "Mom, I drank the Coolaid. We're homesteaders!"

It sure took long enough! lol Welcome to our world dear daughter.

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